Тасвир | ҚИСМИ ҚИСМИ # / Истеҳсолкунанда | Тавсиф / PDF | Миқдор / RFQ |
Monolithic Power Systems Inc. |
8V TO 32V 2A STEPPER MOTOR DRI. Motor / Motion / Ignition Controllers & Drivers 8V to 32V, 2A, Stepper Motor Driver with Integrated MOSFETs |
49322дона саҳҳомӣ |
Monolithic Power Systems Inc. |
IC MTR DRV BIPLR 2.7-18V 20TSSOP. Motor / Motion / Ignition Controllers & Drivers 2.7V-18V, 1.2A, Stepper Motor Driver with Integrated MOSFETs and Current Attenuation |
49370дона саҳҳомӣ |
Monolithic Power Systems Inc. |
IC MTR DRV BIPLR 5.4-35V 16TSSOP. Motor / Motion / Ignition Controllers & Drivers 35V 2.8A H-Bridge Motor Driver |
49515дона саҳҳомӣ |
Monolithic Power Systems Inc. |
49515дона саҳҳомӣ |
Monolithic Power Systems Inc. |
IC MTR DRVR BIPOLR 4.5-35V 24QFN. Motor / Motion / Ignition Controllers & Drivers 35V, 1.5A, Stepper Motor Driver |
49647дона саҳҳомӣ |
Monolithic Power Systems Inc. |
8V TO 32V 1.5A STEPPER MOTOR D. Motor / Motion / Ignition Controllers & Drivers 8V to 32V, 1.5A, Stepper Motor Driver with Integrated MOSFETs |
53538дона саҳҳомӣ |
Monolithic Power Systems Inc. |
54202дона саҳҳомӣ |
Monolithic Power Systems Inc. |
2.5V - 28V 5A H-BRIDGE CURRENT. Motor / Motion / Ignition Controllers & Drivers 2.5V - 28V, 5A, H-Bridge Current Reg |
54946дона саҳҳомӣ |
Monolithic Power Systems Inc. |
IC MTR DRV BIPLR 2.7-15V 16TSSOP. Motor / Motion / Ignition Controllers & Drivers 2.7-15V, 700mA Stepper Motor Driver |
55016дона саҳҳомӣ |
Monolithic Power Systems Inc. |
100V THREE-PHASE BLDC MOTOR PR. Motor / Motion / Ignition Controllers & Drivers 100V, Three-Phase BLDC Motor Pre-Driver |
55432дона саҳҳомӣ |
Monolithic Power Systems Inc. |
5V TO 35V THREE-PHASE BRUSHLES. Motor / Motion / Ignition Controllers & Drivers 5V-35V 3-ph Brshls DC Motor Pre-Driver |
56944дона саҳҳомӣ |
Monolithic Power Systems Inc. |
5V TO 60V THREE PHASE BRUSHLESS. Motor / Motion / Ignition Controllers & Drivers 5V-60V 3-Phs Brshls DC Motor PreDriver |
57467дона саҳҳомӣ |
Monolithic Power Systems Inc. |
TRIPLE HALF-BRIDGE MOTOR DRIVER. Motor / Motion / Ignition Controllers & Drivers Triple Half-Bridge Motor Driver with Serial Input Control AEC-Q100 Qualified |
58866дона саҳҳомӣ |
Monolithic Power Systems Inc. |
IC MOTOR DRIVER 4.5V-16V 16TSSOP. Motor / Motion / Ignition Controllers & Drivers Single Phase BLDC Motor Driver |
62639дона саҳҳомӣ |
Monolithic Power Systems Inc. |
IC MTR DRVR MULTPHAS 5-55V 40QFN. Motor / Motion / Ignition Controllers & Drivers 5V-55V 3PH Brshls DC Motor PreDriver |
64472дона саҳҳомӣ |
Monolithic Power Systems Inc. |
IC MTR DRVR MULTPHAS 5-55V 40QFN. Motor / Motion / Ignition Controllers & Drivers 5V-55V 3PH Brshls DC Motor PreDriver |
64472дона саҳҳомӣ |
Monolithic Power Systems Inc. |
IC MTR DRV BIPOLAR 8-35V 28TSSOP. Motor / Motion / Ignition Controllers & Drivers 8.5V to 35Vin, 2.5A Stepper Motor Driver with Integrated MOSFETs |
64923дона саҳҳомӣ |
Monolithic Power Systems Inc. |
STEPPER MOTOR DRIVER. Motor / Motion / Ignition Controllers & Drivers 35V, 2.5A, Stepper Motor Driver |
65508дона саҳҳомӣ |
Monolithic Power Systems Inc. |
IC MTR DRV BIPLR 4.5-35V 28TSSOP. Motor / Motion / Ignition Controllers & Drivers 35V, 2.5A, Stepper Motor Driver |
65508дона саҳҳомӣ |
Monolithic Power Systems Inc. |
IC MOTOR DRIVER 4.5V-16V 16TSSOP. Motor / Motion / Ignition Controllers & Drivers Single Phase BLDC Motor Driver |
66654дона саҳҳомӣ |